Sep 27, 2007 I'm using Word on my iMac. I recorded some macros using Tools - Macro - Record New Macro. For 'Store Macro in' I selected 'All Documents (Normal)'. How to get microsoft office 2016 for free. I typed the keys I wanted for the macro, which was just some text that I don't want to type over and over. I clicked on the square to stop recording the macro. Oct 26, 2015 Word Inputfields: Insert Input Fields and use in vba Macros, Content Controls, Text Fields - Duration: 6:57. CodeDocu_com 6,082 views.
Apa template for mac word. I have Word for Mac 2011 on a MacBook with Yosemite 10.10.5. In Word I am trying to create a macro that will insert a file named home.gif into Word documents. Home.gif is in a directory called “List” which is a sub-directory of “Kindle” which is on my desktop (Desktop Kindle List). What you need is something like Selection.InlineShapes.AddPicture filename:= _ 'Macintosh HD:Users:macbookpro:Desktop:Kindle:List:home.gif', _ LinkToFile:=False, _ SaveWithDocument:=True 'Macintosh HD' is the name of the Volume (Drive) that the file is on. Your drive could be called something else. If so, you will need to change 'Macintosh HD' to that name.
You can see the full path name by right-clicking on the home.gif file in Finder and clicking the Get Info option. Look at 'Where', and you will see the path of the folder, but with arrows instead of colons (:) These days Mac OS X usually prefers Unix style path anems with forward slashes. (For historical reasons, they are called 'POSIX' file names in Applescript). But Microsoft Office for Mac 2011 has some quite old code in it, and not everything recognises POSIX file names. In this case, Word's macro recorder does two things wrong: • it records a POSIX path+file name. That POSIX path+file name will be the correct name for your file, but AddPicture cannot actually use POSIX names. Using the other style of file name ('HFS') with colons works, but you need the complete path name as I have said • for some reason, it records a second AddPicture statement with an empty path name (').
That will not work and you should delete it. Please notice that named parameters such as filename, LinkToFile and SaveWithDocument have to be followed by ':=', not just '='. So you need SaveWithDocument:=True not SaveWithDocument=True The reason you get the message 'Can’t execute code in Break Mode' is usually because you have put VBA in debug mode rather than stopping execution. When you do that, it is really waiting to continue. However, if you try to start another macro you will get that message.